The beautiful Bea was with us at mount noddy for 9 weeks and after being returned to us after adoption, not once but twice! She has finally found her forever home, Bea was adopted in February 2023!
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foster volunteers
Fostering volunteers really are invaluable to us and animals in our care at Mount Noddy Animal Centre enabling us to help more rescued animals than we have capacity for.
how to foster
Becoming a foster volunteer can be a rewarding experience. Many animals, coming into an animal shelter environment find it a stressful experience.
By opening your home and your heart to a rescued animal, it dramatically improves their welfare and quality of life, allowing them to wait for their forever home in a more comfortable, calm, and familiar environment. It also enables us to help more rescued animals than we have the capacity for at Mount Noddy Animal Centre.
animals requiring foster homes
We have a variety of animals at different times throughout the year that require a foster home including, but not limited to:
- Pregnant animals and mums with their young
- Kittens and puppies (some may be orphaned and require hand feeding)
- Rehabilitation from medical care, surgery etc.
- Animals that are not coping well in the animal shelter environment.
- Animals, mainly dogs that are complex cases and need ongoing training following a behavioural and welfare plan.
- End-of-life foster care (this can be a short- or long-term commitment ranging from days to months).
End-of-life foster care
From time to time, our vets will recommend that it isn’t in the best interests of an animal to continue active medical interventions and we put in place an ‘end of life’ care plan and manage any pain they may experience.
We need foster volunteers with hearts of gold, who would be willing to foster an animal on an ‘end of life’ care plan to ensure they are able to live out their remaining days in a loving home, enjoying their favourite treats. Our animal care team will provide support to end-of-life foster volunteers. It can be emotionally challenging but also rewarding to care for an animal to ensure they spend their days gently and respectfully, and when it is time to say a peaceful goodbye, to be surrounded by love and the people they trust.
support from our team
Whilst you have a foster animal you will have access to support from our experienced animal care team. We will stay in touch whilst you have the animal, give you guidance and if you require extra support, we will be happy to facilitate that. If you do decide that you are willing to take on a dog that is following a training programme, then you will also have access to support provided by our behaviour team, which will include updates and progressions for the dog.
There are often no set time frames, and each case will be unique. Before you take on any foster animal, we will discuss all the relevant details with you, we will accommodate your needs where possible. All our foster arrangements are made in accordance with the needs of the fostered animal, and we aim to make it an enjoyable experience for our foster volunteers too. Some animals may be able to live with children, and other pets, be left for a time during the day whilst fosterers are at work, whilst others may need 1:1 attention in a quiet, pet and or child-free home with someone there most of the time.
When you foster a Mount Noddy rescued cat or dog you will be responsible for the day-to-day husbandry needs as if they were your own family pet. However, they will remain the responsibility of RSPCA Sussex West branch until a permanent home has been found for them. The branch will provide you with the animal’s food, any medication and equipment required, and veterinary treatments are paid for by the branch at our centre. Being a fostering volunteer for the branch does require some emotional resilience, as when the time comes, they will head off to their new home. Rest assured though, there will be more that need help, so you won’t need to be without an animal for too long!
Responsibilities of being a fosterer for Mount Noddy Animal Centre include:
- Caring for the animal following our guidelines
- Keeping appropriate paperwork and fulfilling monthly health checks (you will be shown how to do this
- Providing a loving home environment where animals can exhibit natural/normal behaviours.
- Administering routine flea and worn medication (where applicable)
- Some foster animals may need veterinary support or regular check-ups and hydrotherapy sessions. Fosterers will need to be able to travel to meet our vet or hydrotherapist at Mount Noddy Animal Centre as required.
- Being an ambassador of RSPCA Sussex West Branch
- Returning any equipment or other items supplied by us at the end of the fostering period.
steps to becoming a foster volunteer
We often need to place animals in foster care at short notice, so it is helpful for us to have a list of potential fosters ready and waiting for new cats and dogs arriving with us. If you would like to apply to become an animal fosterer, you must be over 18 years of age.
There are 4 steps to becoming a Foster volunteer with us:
- Step one – download and complete the foster volunteer form and email it back to us
- Step two – your application will be reviewed, and we will take up references. It is helpful if you let your referees know you have given their contact details to avoid delays in responding. If necessary, we will be in contact with you at this early stage to ask for clarification of the information you have on your application form.
- Step three – we will arrange for a home visit. The home visit is an opportunity to have an informal chat about what sort of animals you would be interested in looking after, and to let us know about any previous experience you have. There is not a specific criterion that we look for, but during the home visit, we can work out how we can best work together.
- Step four – we will include your details on our fostering register and after that, you’re good to go! We will match foster animals to the most suitable foster home.
We never know what animals are coming into the centre, so once you are on our fostering register, we will contact you as soon as we have an animal in need of your care. This could be straight away, or you may have to wait until a suitable animal becomes available, so please do not expect an instant response once you are on our fostering registration.
Fostering volunteers really are invaluable to us and the animals in our care at Mount Noddy Animal Centre. Thank you for considering becoming an animal foster for us.
Happy tails
Read some of our Happy Tails from cats and dogs adopted from Mount Noddy.